11 de out. de 2010
3 de out. de 2010
Alquimia do verbo por Rimbaud
Brian Dettmers
"ara mim. A história das minhas loucuras.
Há muito me gabava de possuir todas as paisagens possíveis, e julgava irrisórias as celebridades da pintura e da poesia moderna.
Gostava das pinturas idiotas, em portas, decorações, telas circenses, placas, iluminuras populares; a literatura fora de moda, o latim da igreja, livros eróticos sem ortografia, romances de nossos antepassados, contos de fadas, pequenos livros infantis, velhas óperas, estribilhos ingênuos, ritmos ingênuos.
Sonhava com as cruzadas, viagens de descobertas de que não existem relatos, repúblicas sem histórias, guerras de religião esmagadas, revoluções de costumes, deslocamentos de raças e continentes: acreditava em todas as magias.
Inventava a cor das vogais! - A negro, E branco, I vermelho, O azul, U verde. Regulava a forma e o movimento de cada consoante, e , com ritmos instintivos, me vangloriava de ter inventado um verbo poético acessível, um dia ou outro, a todos os sentidos. Era comigo traduzi-los. Foi primeiro um experimento. Escrevia silêncios, noites, anotava o inexprimível. Fixava vertigens."
- in Delírios II, Alquimia do Verbo, de Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891) - trad. Paulo Hecker Filho
Há muito me gabava de possuir todas as paisagens possíveis, e julgava irrisórias as celebridades da pintura e da poesia moderna.
Gostava das pinturas idiotas, em portas, decorações, telas circenses, placas, iluminuras populares; a literatura fora de moda, o latim da igreja, livros eróticos sem ortografia, romances de nossos antepassados, contos de fadas, pequenos livros infantis, velhas óperas, estribilhos ingênuos, ritmos ingênuos.
Sonhava com as cruzadas, viagens de descobertas de que não existem relatos, repúblicas sem histórias, guerras de religião esmagadas, revoluções de costumes, deslocamentos de raças e continentes: acreditava em todas as magias.
Inventava a cor das vogais! - A negro, E branco, I vermelho, O azul, U verde. Regulava a forma e o movimento de cada consoante, e , com ritmos instintivos, me vangloriava de ter inventado um verbo poético acessível, um dia ou outro, a todos os sentidos. Era comigo traduzi-los. Foi primeiro um experimento. Escrevia silêncios, noites, anotava o inexprimível. Fixava vertigens."
- in Delírios II, Alquimia do Verbo, de Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891) - trad. Paulo Hecker Filho
21 de set. de 2010
Esmaltes encantados
Acabei de descobrir que já existe a coleção de esmaltes que eu tinha inventado em sonhos. Se divirtam vocês também inventando nomes mágicos para as cores.
Prince Charming Blue
Dragon's Breath
Maleficent Magenta
Poisoned Apple
Kiss of True Love
Briar Rose
Happily Ever After, a berry red
Pixie Dust, a shimmery glitter
Enchanted Forest, a green
Mirror Mirror, a silver/grey
Poison Apple, a red
Prince Charming, a milky brown
Encontrados AQUI
4 de set. de 2010
Cartas à Lobato
1 de set. de 2010
The witch bottle
VER THE LAST few days this Witch Bottle will have been crossing some of your house thresholds. So I thought it time to introduce her, and tell you why her crossing your threshold might have been quite a horrifying thought had you been living centuries ago. She is painted with oils on burr walnut wood and the idea is based on an old English folk magic, evidence of which has come to light in the rebuilding and renovating of old buildings in recent years. The practice of making witch bottles dates back at least to the 15th century and is a form of apotropaic charm (i.e. one that wards off evil).
First the worried spell victim would drop in some bent iron nails or pins, then some of their own hair, and lastly their urine. Sometimes other items like thorns or pieces of wood, nail clippings, stones, bones, ash, menstrual blood, oil or coins were added to this. Then the bottle would be corked and buried in a significant place. Many witch bottles have been discovered underneath the hearth stone, hidden in walls or at the threshold of the house.
The idea behind this was that if a witch was sending her spirit to harm you, she would most likely try to enter your home through a doorway, chimney, or other entranceway. If there was a concoction made from your own bodily fluids in her way, she would turn her attentions on that, presuming it was you and get herself caught on the bent iron nails. It is thought that in the case of bellarmines, the frightening face on the side of the bottle would further ward off evil.So if there appeared in the nearby vicinity someone with a dreadful sudden affliction or who experienced terrible pain whilst urinating, then it was likely to be the witch!
Archaeologists have found only four bottles still completely intact with evidence of urine and hair and all sorts of other delights within. In fact, these witch bottles were often thought to explode on the death of the witch, so perhaps these are cases where the charm did not work. If you are interested in learning more about strange popular superstitions, dried cats, old shoes and other Things Hidden In Walls, there are some excellent articles here at Apotropaios, where you are invited to send details of any odd things found hidden in your walls and under doorsills.
Baba Yaga por Adrienne Segur
onheça o trabalho encantador de Adrienne Segur que ilustrou inúmeros contos de fadas e nossa amada Alice no País das Maravilhas AQUI
Elas existem...
o beijo
25 de ago. de 2010
Little Red Riding Hood
21 de ago. de 2010
Kooky Returns
Middle Street school - shadow puppets
Year 1 - February 2009
atherine Grimaldi has been working with Year 1 children on a shadow-puppet project. The children created their own shadow-puppets and plays and wrote about the characters they made. They also watched a Lotte Reiniger shadow-puppet film. Many of Lotte Reiniger's films are viewable on Youtube here
atherine Grimaldi has been working with Year 1 children on a shadow-puppet project. The children created their own shadow-puppets and plays and wrote about the characters they made. They also watched a Lotte Reiniger shadow-puppet film. Many of Lotte Reiniger's films are viewable on Youtube here
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